We went very well with spending over the weekend, the only things I bought outside of "allowance money" was toilet paper and cordial which I forgot to pick up in my shop during the week. I'll be including that $10.98 in next weeks grocery shop, because I could have bought them tomorrow but it's a planned No Spend Day! I bought a few random things yesterday like a bunch of cheap greeting cards, and a couple of doggie chew toys but that was out of my allowance.
We gave a $100 gift voucher at the party on Saturday, and I also bought a new packet of Yasmin pills, but they were both planned and have been on my budget spreadsheet for months, so I think we went really well. I also returned Eclipse, and I got the girl to refund it back onto my debit card so I couldn't "accidentally" spend it! I also put two pairs of pants on lay-by and paid the $10 deposit out of my allowance! I wanted the pants now, because there was a buy one get one half price deal, so i thought I'd pay what i can afford now, and then pay for them when I've got money! Gosh I'm getting good at this!
So, at the end of the week, I have $19.75 left of my $75 allowance. I have put the coins ($4.75) in my piggy bank and put the $15 in an envelope in my bottom drawer to put towards the wedding. When it gets to $100 I will transfer it into our savings. (Envelope total = $20 as I found $5 in a pair of jeans which I'm sure is change from last weeks allowance) I started the piggy bank a couple of weeks ago, which is where I put my coins at the end of the day - once this is full (it's a small pig!) I'll deposit it into our savings as well.
I'm really hoping all these little things will add up! I know we can afford the big things like reception and dress, but my inspiration for these small deposits are the small things in the wedding - like wedding cars or garden decorations (we have to hire a red carpet/aisle and rose ball bushes) which ultimately are wedding day luxuries. So, if I can give up a few of life's luxuries during the year I'll get to have my wedding luxuries at the end of the year! (And if we save enough it may end up being another round of cocktails in Vanuatu! Or perhaps the beginnings of our savings fund for Euro-trip 2010!)
I'm feeling a bit blah about blogging today.... because I'm feeling really really fat!! I have totally FAILED my food and exercise plan!!! Here's the weeks goal results:
Food: Fail - because I had a crap load of garlic bread with dinner!
Exercise: 10 min warm up on treadmill + weights session Fail - I didn't exercise!
Other: Pay bills, grocery shopping, read book for min 1 hour Done!
No Spend Day Fail :( I can't remember why though lol
Same food as Tuesday : Fail - ate a crap load of chocolate
Exercise: Aerobics class followed by Pump class: Fail!
Other: Read book for min 1 hour - Done!
Same breakfast, snacks and lunch as Tue/Wed and dinner with friend - Vietnamese Pho: Fail - ate corn chips for a snack
Exercise: 30mins on exercise bike - Fail - I didn't exercise all week!
Other: Read book for min 1 hour - Fail
No Spend Day (Mr.M owes me lunch, so his shout!) Fail - Mr M couldn't meet me for lunch so I had to buy my own :(
Exercise: Personal training session @ 7am - Fail - He cancelled! So I just slept in!
Food: Fail - ate what I planned but drank a crap load of beer at a friends place and then ate chips and crackers
Exercise: Pump class @ 9:30am Fail - cleaned the house and visited my sister
Food: Fail - JUST! Ate all to plan, and even drove to party to avoid drinking booze but then ruined it all by eating a piece of cake!
Other: Read book for min 1 hour - Fail
No spend day! Fail
Exercise: Walk dogs - Fail
Food: Fail - overate at MIL's place
De clutter study - Fail
Other: Read book for min 1 hour - Fail
Oh my god I suck! This is ridiculous, I've GAINED weight these past few weeks because of lack of commitment to my eating and exercise plan!!
I'm not going to make daily lists of food, but my food goal of the week is NO chips/biscuits/chocolate!! I will go an entire week without them... maybe I should make it late Lent commitment? No junk food.... hmmm okay, lets try!
This coming weeks plan:
No Spend Day
Double exercise class
Grocery shop and petrol, plus pay this weeks bills
No planned exercise
No Spend Day
Double exercise class
No Spend Day
Step class or walk dogs
Planned spending day as we're going out for drink for a friends going away
No planned exercise
Walk dogs
Planned spending day as we're going out for dinner and drinks for BF's sister's birthday
Walk dogs
Will attempt to make this a no spend day, as Friday and Saturday night will be expensive!
Let's see how I go....
The House as of Today
12 hours ago
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