I'm very aware that my posts of late are a bit.. boring. I suppose I'm not really putting any thought into them, I'm just reporting on my spending of late. I think I'll stop posting weekly goals and plans as this is BORING... So this post is a bit more about lessons learnt...
This week, we've had a taste of our old life - the spending-whenever-I-feel-like-it life. It's a lame excuse but we've been unbelieveably busy. It's amazing how expensive a convenient life is.
On Monday I went out for lunch with Mr M, my hubby-to-be, because we hadn't spent much time together on the weekend. So that set us back about $23... that night Mr M worked at his Mum's place (she's renovating) whilst I went to the gym and he brought Chinese take away home him - another $19.
Tuesday night he had football training, whilst I worked late, and then we went to meet a potential celebrant, leaving her house at 8:30 when we realised we hadn't had dinner. We were near a restaurant we like that we rarely go to because it's across town - so we thought we'd grab a bite to eat - $65 later we headed home!
I have not thought about no spend days all week - and consequently haven't achieved one this week!
So what have I learnt?
1) PLAN PLAN PLAN! I've barely managed to throw together lunch the past couple of days, eating a half-arsed lunch of crackers with tuna and a muesli bar, with a tub of yogurt. Nothing has required any prepartion! We haven't eaten dinner at home yet this week (Wed night and tonight I had functions for the committee I volunteer for) and that's mostly because we haven't defrosted any meat - which is silly, because nothing is stopping us from eating a vegetarian meal for once in our lives! I really need to plan better so there is no reason to eat take away or out. I also need to plan my spending, which helps me make wiser choises. Failing to plan is planning to fail.
2) Spending does not equal more fun! Yes it was nice to be waited on, but I probably would've enjoyed a home cooked meal so much more. The chinese was okay, but my stir fry would've been nicer and cheaper. Dinner out was a very ordinary burger and chips!! You don't always get what you pay for!
3) Spending money is unhealthy! I've been eating so badly, I've put on more weight. I weighed 23.7kg the other morning. WOW. That's over 4 kg I've gained since just before christmas. Monday's lunch was a souvlaki... Monday's chinese wasn't too bad, but I didn't practise very good portion control. I knew I should've picked a nice salad on Tuesday night but I ended up having that chicken burger with chips because I felt like I hadn't eaten out in so long I should have something I wouldn't have at home. Eating out is not a night off from eating well, it's a night off from cooking & dishes.
The House as of Today
1 day ago
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