I always seem to fall off the frugal and fitness wagons when it comes to the weekend.
I had already been struggling during the week because of bad planning (see last post) and I thought the weekend would be better because I would have the time to plan – but no, I was wrong. (This is also my week’s goals update, but I’m trying to do this in a less boring format!)
Frugal failures: We had dinner out on Tuesday night ($60), but also went out for dinner and movie on Friday night ($80 for dinner, not sure about the movie as BF paid for it out of his allowance) and Saturday I went grocery shopping and managed to spend $188 (holy expensive grocery shop batman, revisited!) PLUS $70 on booze. Holy schmoly. I had to put that all on the credit card, until BFs payday, tomorrow. I will pay it straight away, don’t you worry about that! I only managed one NSD this week, which was Monday.
Sunday I went to see my friends flower display, entry to the expo cost me $20 (!) and I also bought a bottle of diet coke ($4.20! WHAT THE? For sugary water?!) But luckily I managed to score free parking. We went out for dinner last night as well, but that was MIL’s shout, for all the hard work Mr M has been doing on her renovations. He’s saved her thousands so she thought she’d spoil us with a nice dinner out!
Fitness failures: Obviously the biggest failures are the fact I’ve eaten out so much this week! Tuesday was a massive chicken burger with chips, for Friday lunch I had a chicken schnitzel roll (OMG what am I, a uni student???) and for dinner was a (beautiful) 300g steak w greens and a massive bowl of chips and two beers and a wine. Thank god I resisted the popcorn at the movie. Sunday night’s dinner out was fantastic, but the duck was fried (bad bad bad) and the wine was flowing (more bad) and the DEEP FRIED ICECREAM was completely unnecessary and evil but geez I enjoyed it. Oh and did you say exercise? NONE all weekend!! I will give myself credit for the cardio session I did on my own on Monday, plus the weights session I did with my personal trainer on Wednesday, PLUS a cardio/boxing session with my trainer on Friday, however, eating crap all weekend and not exercising at all completely undoes all that good work. I also haven’t walked my dogs in over a month. Poor neglected puppies!!!
Looking back at what I’ve written, it’s pretty negative that I’ve called them both “failures”. Maybe next week I can report on achievements?!!?
What can I do better this coming week?
1) Make salads to take to work for lunch again!
2) Book in 2 sessions with my trainer, plus attend one pump class
3) Commit to taking the pups for TWO walks this week
4) Commit to 6 hours of reading time
5) Commit to 2 no spend days
6) Spend quality time with Mr M without spending money
7) Limit TV to 2 hours a night (one show, plus the news)
8) Cut out as much sugar as possible, except for fruit
I may report back on Thursday night or Friday morning, as its Easter Weekend, and set myself some goals for those 4 days, Friday – Monday. Luckily, Mr M couldn’t get out of his work commitments so we’re not going away with his friends like planned , so that should save some money, and mean I might actually see MY friends for a change!!
The House as of Today
1 day ago
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