Where has the last week gone? I've been so busy with Easter and all that jazz, that suddenly, it's Thursday April 16th! I haven't even been tracking my progress altho I can safely say that I shopped out of control like it was going out of fashion... what's with me at the moment?
The good thing is because of the stimulus package that the Australian Rudd government is giving us, we'll be getting a "free" $1800 ($900 each) sometime in the next month which will pay for our expensive Easter and the shopping spree I did on Easter Monday.
Yes I went shopping. Mostly for clothes... Did I need them? Yes... I think I did. I sort of wish I hadn't spent the money but I know it was all stuff that I needed.
I have bought one pair of jeans in over 2 years. They cost me $30. Very cheap jeans. And they are starting to fall apart... I also regularly wear two pairs of black jeans that I bought almost 3 years ago. They're not quite black anymore. One pair has a tear in the leg and the other has a broke zip meaning the fly always comes undone. It's lame... I needed new jeans.
So - when I saw Dotti jeans on sale for $39.95 I bought a cool faded pair. I also bought two singlets for $20 (Three of my existing singlets have holes in them!) and a new cardigan, the same as the one I bought a couple of weeks ago, but in charcoal instead of black. Total spent at Dotti: $89.90 - Not bad for all those things!
I also bought a pair of black jeans from jay jays for $39.95 and a hoodie for $19.95 (Was $29.95 but I got $10 off for buying the jeans) so I spent $59.90 there.
I then went to Big W and bought Mr M 2 pairs of sports bonds jocks, and a 3 pack of normal trunks, bought myself a 7 pack of undies, a new belt (my old one lost the middle bit which you put thru the hole hehe) and some chewing gum. Total: $64 (I think I've forgotten something off that list)
Went to priceline, bought a 3pack of Johnston face wipes (should last me about 6 months!) and a buy-one-get-one-free pack of maybelline mascara (6 months worth), shampoo (haven't bought any for 6 months) and some boy shampoo for Mr M as well. (Stops him from using mine!) Oh I also bought Mr M a new loofah thingy because his old one is falling apart and looking very sick and tired. Total was about $49, I can't remember exactly because I also used my priceline loyalty voucher which was about $5 worth, so I spent $44-ish.
The part that was a bit excessive was my spending at JB Hi Fi. I haven't bought a new CD in AAAAGES and I was planning to just have a browse but I saw that latest Triple J Hottest 100 (compliation CD of top songs from 2008 for those not in the know) and thought I'd grab it... Also bought an EP I've wanted a while (Tame Impala - it was only $7) and then I remembered Mr M complain that his Nevermind CD doesn't work anymore and I saw it for $9.99 so I grabbed that too. All up I spent $39.
So, on that particular day, I spent about $300. That's not a huge amount, and I'm totally happy that I stocked up on those things at priceline and big w, and I love my new clothes... Haven't unwrapped the EP yet but the other two CD's are already on high rotation.
Verdict? Thumbs up. We can afford it, and even if we couldn't then the stimulus package would easily cover it, and I had fun!
The House as of Today
1 day ago
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