Anyway, here’s our end of April Debt Update:

Wedding Savings end of March: $ 1000.62
Wedding Savings end of April: $ 2,500.62
Still needed to save: $ 20,817.88
I won’t go over my April goal results. Because they’re all rubbish!
But I will set goals for May. They are pretty much the same as the goals I set for April, with some minor changes. You’ll notice that I’m not setting a budget for petrol, and this is because I no longer have to pay for petrol – it’s all going through work now!
In May I will:
Keep our groceries below $400
Repay $800 onto credit cards
Achieve 8 No Spend Days
Attend 8 Exercise classes
Attend 6 Personal Training Sessions
Bring lunch to work 16 times
Eat dinner at home 16 times
Eat a proper breakfast 16 times
Take the dogs for a walk 8 times (twice a week)
Read 2 books (I’ve already borrowed them from the library)
Lose 2kg! (I’ll check my weight tomorrow morning to find my starting point)
I really have to take some control of my weight…hopefully being well organised this month will help me!
Wedding update for those that are interested:
1) The dress from eBay arrived! It’s pretty good; some minor alterations required but it looks like I’ve saved myself about $1500.
2) We have booked a celebrant. She will cost $500, although I budgeted $600 so this is good!
3) We have booked a photographer for $2355. This is bad because I budgeted $1600 but BF decided he wanted all the extra albums and parents albums etc and since it’s his wedding too I thought we might as well do what he wants for a change hehe
4) We have decided to go to Vanuatu and possibly New Zealand for our honeymoon. This means only 6 nights in Vanuatu and then probably 5 nights in New Zealand’s North Island. I don’t know how this will affect our budget yet! But it should work out the same as 10 days in Vanuatu in the 5 star hotels! But overall I have budgeted $8500 for our honeymoon, for all accommodation, flights & spending money. Hopefully that’s enough!
I will try to be a more regular blogger; I don’t think I'll ever achieve any regular readership with the current state of this thing!!