Nothing has changed in 2 weeks! OH MY GOD what is wrong with me!!!!???? Still spending. Still no planning. Still FAT!
In other news: I found out last week that my job is on the line. They announced voluntary redundancies however, we know after this there will be forced redundancies. It's hard to explain my situation without disclosing too much information/specifics but lets just say my department is made up of 3 specialists - myself, Specialist #2, and Specialist #3,
Issue one:
#2's wife has just have a baby, they also have another child.
#3 has two very young children and a stay at home wife.
I have no children. I have a partner who earns a good wage (and my boss knows this)
I believe that morally, I would be the wisest choice. We would not "suffer" like the other families. I am not the primary (or in this case, ONLY) bread winner in my "family".
Issue two:
I am the youngest in my team (read: least experience)
I was the last to join the team (read: last in, first out)
We all have very different roles. Mine is the most easily outsourced. Their roles are not (read: I am easily dispensable)
I believe that logically, I would be the wisest choice.
The only thing going my way is my company is heavily focused on the area I work in, so it would be seen as unfavourable to get rid of the role which is seen as most supportive of the technical aspect of this role. I am the only one of my kind in the whole company, nationally. I am also the busiest of the team, with the most projects, nationally. I am also the cheapest on my team! (Might not seem like much, but I'm clutching at straws, let me have my final moments of dignity please!!!)
*sigh* I am in a lot of trouble.
So what does this mean?
There is a severe shortage of jobs in Australia, especially in my area of expertise. In my general technical qualification, I can find work, but nothing glamorous i.e. mundane and monkey-ish. And certainly nothing that would progress me in the career path I have planned out for myself.
But even those jobs won't be around forever. If the economy keeps going on this current path, there will be a lot of people struggling for ANY work.
In reality, I know I will always be able to work and earn SOME money. Through university I worked in bars/clubs/pubs, in all kinds of restaurants, I was even a check out chick... I know I can find another "job". My career, however, would come to a very sudden screeching halt and 180 turn...
I need to talk to my boss. I would like to know in advance if I am being considered for forced redundancy. BEFORE I put a deposit on a $10,000 honeymoon! It may change a lot of things we had on our list for the wedding.
This might just be the inspiration I need to get back on the frugal band wagon.
The House as of Today
1 day ago
I'm exactly the same! Had planned that May would be a great month, and it hasn't been.
Hopefully everything will be ok on the job front.
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