Over here, Moving on up! is de-cluttering in May... her goal is 50 items in May. I am stealing this idea! (She got the idea from The Simple Dollar so I better mention that too!)
I'm changing this a bit tho, I am going to get rid of 100 things in 100 days. It's now 11:17pm so I'm looking around the room I am sitting in (the lounge room in front of the TV) and trying to find the first thing I can get rid of.... does rubbish count? There are 4 empty stubbies in my lounge (my BIL came round tonight for a beer).... I don't think rubbish counts. There are some things that don't belong in this room (i.e my camera is on the couch and i have at least 3 pairs of shoes in here) but they aren't things I need to get rid of. (I will put them in their correct place tomorrow.... I swear... LOL just kidding, I'll do it now!)
Okay, lets look again. What about this room pisses me off? Looking... looking.... found it. Magazines. There are 3 magazine in here, one is brand new, one was my sister's but i haven't read it yet, and one is a couple of weeks old, and I have read it cover to cover. I will throw out that magazine right now, and put the other two in my bag to take to work and read on my lunch break. And then I will throw them out. I will NOT bring them home.
You might think this is cheating because the magazine is just rubbish but I need to disclose something. I am a magazine hoarder. When I moved out of my parents house in 2006 I had to throw out a full sized wheelie bin's worth of magazines. In the stash of magazines the oldest one I had was a Girlfriend magazine from April 1992. I was in 12 years old when I bought it. I have improved 1000 fold since those days, but there is still room for improvement. Starting NOW!
Item #1: 3 Magazines
aaaaaaahhhh I feel better already!
The House as of Today
1 day ago
Good for you! Magazines always clutter up my house. I get too many! Good luck.
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