TAXI’S: We ALMOST stuck to our budget last week – I had budgeted $50 for a gift for a friends engagement but last minute we made the joint decision that $50 wasn’t enough so we would give them $100 instead. That extra $50 came out of the $100 we were going to use for accommodation but didn’t, and the other $50 of that ended up going towards taxis. Why? I decided to have a few drinks and share a taxi with friends – and BF wanted to go into the city and took a separate taxi, hence $50 in shared taxis.
Such a waste of money. But for some reason we really hate going out for drinks with friends and one of us having to drive. But it’s a mind set I’m going to have to change, if we want to get ahead of our finances and not always live pay check to pay check. A taxi from the city to our place is about $60. OUCH. Definitely a silly expense.
PERSONAL TRAINING: I’ve just signed up for some more personal training sessions… $500 worth to be exact. I know that as people in debt this is a “waste” of money, but getting fit for my wedding and then having children is EXTREMELY important to me, and at this stage I need that extra motivation that comes from a personal trainer. AND, it’s a budgeted part of our wedding budget. Yes, it’s on the list of costs. Personal training: $1500. That’s 36 x 45 min sessions between now and our wedding day. It’s important to me and BF and I have discussed it and he’s happy to include this cost. I don’t think this is a silly expense; however I know many of you will argue.
BOTTLES OF WATER AND LUNCHES: I’m always late for work. I don’t know why but I rationale 5 mins more sleep over being about to get ready at a normal not-frantic pace. I’m always forgetting to make lunch the night before. Forgetting? Wrong word. I’m always TOO LAZY to make lunch the night before. Bought lunch is usually around $8-$10 and almost always unhealthy or carb-loaded.
I always forget to bring a water bottle to the gym. I hate plastic drink bottles so I just re-use water bottles. Except that word is also wrong: “reuse”. I just buy bottles of water. These are silly expenses. Everyone will agree to that. I am going to learn to drink out of a plastic reusable water bottle.
RISKY WEDDING PURCHASES: In order to keep the wedding a bit more realistic, I have ordered a wedding dress of ebay. Yep. Ebay. I’m scared that the $255 is going to end up a case of you get what you paid for… but this seller has such good feedback, over 2000 dresses sold and 99.7% good feedback. The reality is if the dress arrives next month and is terrible, I will still have several months to organise a “proper” dress. Yes I will have lost $255 but I did that hoping to save $1800. Seemed like a risk I was willing to take. Also discussed this with BF, and he agreed with my reasoning. I don’t think this is a silly expense.
ALDI: I’ve just started shopping at Aldi, and overall find the experience frustrating. There’s no gluten free range, some brands are sub standard and others just aren’t noticeably cheaper. But the worst thing is the fruit and veg. It’s always pre-packaged so it’s bad for the environment and also means I can’t choose it myself. Or even touch it. I’ve gotten home a few times to find most plums in the container are so badly bruised they’re beyond consumption. Or the entire punnet of nectarines is soft, or worse, chalky. My roma tomatoes had white mould forming in the eyes, but I couldn’t see that when they’re packed in plastic. The broccoli is always packaged in pairs (I only want one!) and always yellows faster than broccoli from Coles or Safeway. I really don’t like having to make two trips to the supermarket, one to Aldi to get bargains and one to Coles to get everything else. *SIGH* I feel I must commit to going to the market every Sunday for fresh fruit and veg. Still doesn’t help me with gluten free items or particular foods like tuna. Can I really manage a trip to Aldi, a trip to Coles and a trip to the market every week? Seems like a lot of work for a balance between price and quality
P.S Aldi does have some great deals tho. Their tasty cheese is really good value – I’m picky about cheese and normally get mainland. But this one actually cuts it… (not quite as good as mainland but of definitely liveable standard, and half the price) and their cereals are pretty good and I will always buy coffee from there.
There are so many lifestyle changes we need to make! I hope I keep discovering new ways for us to save money so we can do what we REALLY enjoy, like go on holidays and have special family events. That’s what it’s all about isn’t it? Friends, family and experiences? Not funky cars and fancy clothes, and certainly not overpriced food and taxis!
The House as of Today
1 day ago
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